Quickly evolving and gaining popularity all over the world, triathlon is a sport of endurance, having developed into a globally acknowledged activity of the successful and consistent. Such widespread popularity arises from the possibility of testing one’s limits at three different-natured sports as well as enjoying the variability of those activities.
Swimming, cycling and running make up a good, yet demanding combination. The final outcome of the performance is determined by fortitude, correct distribution of energy reserves and fatigue resistance of the muscles. Top triathletes have been achieving results that constantly push the imaginary limits of humanly possibilities.
The lengths of the distances vary from couple of hundred meters to full-distance triathlon which is called the Ironman triathlon. Competitions in Estonia are held on the following distances:
Sprint – 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running
Olympic distance – 1500 m swimming, 40 km cycling, 10 km running
Half Ironman distance – 1900 m swimming, 90 km cycling, 21.1 km running
Ironman distance – 3800 m swimming, 180 km cycling, 42.2 km running
There are also shorter distances during every domestic competition. The distances for children usually begin from 100 m swimming, 5 km cycling and 1.2 km running. Amateur distances begin from 250 m swimming, 10 km cycling and 2.4 km running.