In order to improve the quality of the competition and to support the organiser's and competitors' interests the instruction of the competition may be subject to amendments and changes.
Amendments may be done 2 months prior to the competition.
In the case a competitor has got into an accident, he or she is entitled to continue competing supposing that the competition officers will certify that he or she is continuously capable for competing.
The timing will be performed by transceiver attached to an athlete’s leg. The timing accuracy will be 0.1 sec.
After finish or when a competitor has stopped competing, he/she shall return the chip to the competition judge.
The dimensions of the chip are 38 x 20 x 12 mm and it weights 7 g.
In order to prevent losing the chip, fasten it under your sock or swimming suit.
An athlete who loses his/her chip, is entitled to pay penalty fee 15 €.
Competitor is obliged to fulfil a competition instruction and have a knowledge thereof, follow the traffic rules and instructions given by policemen and members of the organising team.
Competitor is responsible for his or her equipment and is obliged to have it complying with the instruction.
Competitor shall not block other competitor nor do any unexpected and hindering movements nor deliberately neither accidently.
Competitor shall pass the whole distance assigned by the organisers. In the case of leaving the track, the competitor is obliged to return to the track on the same spot he or she had left it.
Competitor shall not start moving before the instruction to start is given.
After leaving the track the competitor shall notify a member of the organising team being the closest to the spot of his or her leaving. The race number must be taken off after quitting.
No helpers are permitted to accompany the competitor in accompanying cars nor on accompanying motorbikes, bikes neither by running. It is not allowed to provide or receive any physical support, food nor drinks except for in the official refreshment spots.
Supporters are entitled to give advice and information locating next to the track, avoiding to impact the competitors' moving.
Only competitors, photographers and operators allowed by organisers and competition officers are allowed into transition and start areas.
Competitors are allowed to bring their own food and drinks. In official refreshment spots in a place assigned for that personal supporters are allowed to hand over drinks and food.
Food and drink containers that the competitor is carrying with him/her must be made of unbreakable material, glass or porcelain containers are not allowed.
It is allowed to throw rubbish only in the transition area, and on biking track, only on refreshment point.
Competitor shall not use neither headphones, mobile phone, any equipment that makes it possible to provide any data later again nor any other devices which may catch the competitors' attention.
Competitor himself or herself is responsible for being ready – both by his or her health conditions and training level - for the competition.
Team consists of three team members and each one of them shall perform one segment or two members and one shall perform two segments. Right after coming out of the water and before transferring the chip, the competitor of the first segment (swimmer) takes of his/her swimming suit. Relay will happen by transferring the chip before the bike area. In the second transition area the chip and competitor's number will be transferred.